IoT SCADA for Solar PV Plants /
Rooftops live Monitoring, Controlling, Analysis and Reporting
Can be installed in local workstation/server/PC to ensure zero energy exported from Solar PV to grid and support during DG backup runtime
Zero Export System

Key Customers

Maximize your SOLAR PV Asset Performance with EnerMAN Products

CMS-Centralised Monitoring System
Robust alerts Mechanism
Data sharing FTP/API/OPC interface
Automated Reports & DGR

Down Time Loss Analysis

Inverter Performance Ranking
Digital Twin
Retrofit any SCADA
Why choose EnerMAN?
Easy to use and useful dashboards accessible through Web Apps, Mobile Apps (Android & iOS) from anywhere.
ETi-SOL works as individual Plant SCADA, multiple plants SCADA with CMS/RMS capabilities.
ETi-EDGE software can be installed in your plant local server and webcasting to your head office server to avoid data storage in 3rd party cloud server.
Customizable dashboard and reports, automatic daily generation reports (DGR).
Alerts notification and tracking
Inverter performance ranking, which provides insight into best and worst performing inverter.
Generation Loss reports and tracking grid down time loss, inverters down time loss, curtailment loss and more.
One-stop solution: ETi-Log, ETi-SOL, ETi-Edge, ETi-PPC, Zero Export (ETi-ZMS), DG Sync (ETi-LMS), ETi-SLDC data sharing with SLDC, Energy Generation Forecasting products available.
SLD view, Google Map view, data exchange with 3rd party system using FTP, OPC, API.