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IoT SCADA for Solar PV Plants /
Rooftops live Monitoring, Controlling, Analysis and Reporting
IoT Solar PV Monitoring platform

IoT Solar PV Monitoring platform to monitor and control PV plant Remotely

Plant Power Controller

Software logic-based control system can be installed in local server to control

Plant Power Controller

Software logic-based control system can be installed in local server to control


Can be installed in local workstation/server/PC to ensure zero energy exported from Solar PV to grid and support during DG backup runtime

Zero Export System

Can be installed in local workstation/server/PC to ensure zero energy exported from Solar PV to grid and support during DG backup runtime

Zero Export System
Key Customers

Maximize your SOLAR PV Asset Performance with EnerMAN Products


CMS-Centralised Monitoring System

Robust alerts Mechanism

Data sharing FTP/API/OPC interface

Automated Reports & DGR


Down Time Loss Analysis


Inverter Performance Ranking

Digital Twin

Retrofit any SCADA

Why choose EnerMAN?

  • Easy to use and useful dashboards accessible through Web Apps, Mobile Apps (Android & iOS) from anywhere.

  • ETi-SOL works as individual Plant SCADA, multiple plants SCADA with CMS/RMS capabilities.

  • ETi-EDGE software can be installed in your plant local server and webcasting to your head office server to avoid data storage in 3rd party cloud server.

  • Customizable dashboard and reports, automatic daily generation reports (DGR).

  • Alerts notification and tracking

  • Inverter performance ranking, which provides insight into best and worst performing inverter.

  • Generation Loss reports and tracking grid down time loss, inverters down time loss, curtailment loss and more.

  • One-stop solution: ETi-Log, ETi-SOL, ETi-Edge, ETi-PPC, Zero Export (ETi-ZMS), DG Sync (ETi-LMS), ETi-SLDC data sharing with SLDC, Energy Generation Forecasting products available.

  • SLD view, Google Map view, data exchange with 3rd party system using FTP, OPC, API.

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